Entries by Jessica Delaney

Day 7: Create an Environment of No Surprises

Except for at Christmas time, and maybe the occasional birthday, most people don’t like surprises – particularly in an engagement setting or when focused on process. What does it mean? In the context of public and stakeholder engagement, creating an environment of no surprise means just that: There should be no surprises in the process […]

Featured Technique: The Opportunity Tree

    “A vivid imagination compels the whole body to obey it.” –Aristotle The context: The Opportunity Tree is a thinking framework that helps people visualize and frame the collective impact they want to make. In the last two years, Engage Delaney has supported several strategic planning initiatives with hospitals in Ontario. We’ve observed a […]

Engagement Illustrated: Building and Managing Spaces

One of the jobs of an effective facilitator is to build spaces where creative dialogue can take place, and then hold that space open while people are there, so that the group can be productive together. In this context, the term space can refer to physical, emotional and intellectual spaces. It is imperative to know […]

Reflections on a Vancouver Waterfront Walking Tour

Last week I attended a walking tour of Vancouver’s waterfront area, hosted by SFU’s City Conversations and held in conjunction with the Placemaking Leadership Forum. It was one many events scheduled for Placemaking Week and was attended by more than 100 people. As a first-time participant of a walking tour, only having previously studied this […]

This Simple Scope Exercise May Reduce Engagement Anxiety

When there is a complex decision to be made, it can be easy to get bogged down in the multitude of factors and variables that influence, inform and involve that decision. Identifying what actually will be decided and, even more importantly, where (and where not) input from stakeholders will advise that decision, can greatly clarify […]

Finding Common Ground in Shared Values

Last week I completed the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Foundations in Effective Public Participation course. After working at Engage Delaney for nearly six months, I am familiar with many of the principles and tools we covered. However, I found it valuable to be taught the IAP2 planning steps together in a logical […]