Are We Taking Time to Prepare?

by Brenda Kortekaas, Specialist, Learning and Development

As I look out my office window at the raging snowstorm, I can’t help but think of all the news stories telling us to be prepared. Some people believe the media is always overreacting to any kind of weather, but I think they hit the mark on this storm. I am glad I am not out in the cold, blowing, deep snow. Was I prepared for it? I don’t have anything out for supper, so I am not running to the grocery store. Dinner will have to be a “whatever” night. My husband stayed home today, so he did not have to commute. Do I have water stored in the house in case of power failure? No.

All over the news in Ottawa is that the LRT system was not prepared for the cold and large snowfalls. Trains are often not running, and snow removal seems to be an issue. It is a little hard to believe knowing we are one of the coldest capitals in the world. Our own train system cannot handle a Ottawa winter. Was our city prepared? Not even close!

I recently read an article from the WHO regarding the Corona virus. We are being advised to be prepared with food and water in case of a pandemic. When is the right time to be prepared for that? Is it when one person or ten people have contacted the virus in your city? I believe we all have a comfort zone that we have learned or grown into when it comes to being prepared. Some people do everything at the last minute, while some prepare weeks in advance. Will I get water and food right away? Yes, I will after the snowstorm.

So, my word going into the month of March is PREPARDENESS. As I reflect on the training practice at D+A, I am wondering if there is an area where we can grow in being more prepared. According to Wikipedia, Preparedness is an important quality in achieving goals and in avoiding and mitigating negative outcomes.

There are a variety of ways we are already thinking ahead.

  1. We make sure we have extra resources in case someone spills coffee on their paperwork.
  2. We send out our materials to the venues in enough time to beat the snow, so our trainers never have to worry about not having what they need.
  3. We send out emails early to help participants prepare for the course ahead. We can call them “advance organizers”, but it is really about being prepared for success!
  4. Our office is always stocked with the resources that we need for a great course.
  5. The trainers are always looking for new ways to engage the group whether that is a new video or information about the latest in online engagement.

Delaney, the engagement people, do strive to be prepared in our training and our engagements. We are always working hard for the best possible outcomes. Preparation for engagement is another blog!

As I shovel the +20cm of snow on the driveway, I will give some serious thought to my word of the month.

I wish you good health and happiness in 2020.